No you can not get pregnant from making out.. .. If you sit on top of your man, nothing magical is going to happen to get you pregnant .. You can not get pregnant by making out and rolling around on the floor.. .. no liquid coming out of a man that can get you pregnant except for his semen .. Can you get pregnant by a guy being on top for you and with you guys pants and underwear on? ANSWER as soon as possible thank you (: ok so i was making out with my .. Best Answer:.. Semen can also escape before ejaculation yes .. Absolutely Yes.there is such a thing as pre-*** google it ..!!.. yeah sure if you can .. Can you get pregnant if only mounted on top of you while you're making out tammypage:? ... No, you can not get pregnant from simply making out if you're just kissing or fondling with your clothes on.. might get pregnant if a guy .. How to get Pregnant Without A Man.. It8217s quite possible to get.. fertility center can share a sample so you can get another one try out of it if the first .. How You Can Can 't Get Pregnant .. I could get pregnant if he pulls out? 2.
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