Best Answer: the white spot just plain white like chalk
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Best Answer: I have some white spots too, and I told them flouride stains from taking fluoride tablets as a child.. Maybe you will notice .. I'm extremely worried about my daughter because she has white spots
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bad teeth heart disease unsightly and problems along the way.. Read on to know the causes and treatment for white spots on teeth .. Expert: Stephen J.. Moss - 19/07/2009.. Question Hi I'm 12 and I have two huge white spots on my two front teeth, using them at the bottom but now they ... Why are there white spots in between my two front teeth? ChaCha Answer: A number of factors can lead to the development of white spots or ... Best Answer: Hello, This is a great question, but I'll
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I'm extremely worried about my daughter because she has white spots in her two new teeth (in front ... Im 16 years old and I do not drink milk, I see only a small white stains on my
braces for my dogs teeth front If it has a chalky looking and.. really white really the first sign of a .. fluoride over-exposure at age 22 - to 25-months can discolor the permanent two front teeth while they \ \"Why Is There I White Spot in My Front Teeth, \ \"by the decalcification .... I have my front teeth bleaching ... but then settles, which takes about two days, it was integration into the white area much better ... I have to ask my orthodontist children about the horrible white spots getting his teeth ... hi.its about my son, 30mth two top front teeth stained.. .
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